For additional resources when it comes to learning about and using Boost, there are some helpful external options. If you like hard-copy format, there is a range of published Books. If you prefer an online format, there are quite a few tutorials published on YouTube. These options are good at giving the overall picture, and getting you started.
If you have very specific technical questions Stack Overflow may well have the answer.
There are a number of books published, either on Boost libraries as a set, or on one particular library:
Learning Boost C++ Libraries: Solve practical programming problems using powerful, portable, and expressive libraries from Boost, by Arindam Mukherjee
The Boost C++ Libraries, by Boris Schäling
The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference Manual, by Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek and Andrew Lumsdaine
Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume II - Advanced Libraries, by Robert Demming and Daniel J. Duffy
Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook - Second Edition: Recipes to simplify your application development, by Antony Polukhin
Consider searching YouTube for online tutorials. There are tutorials on installing Boost, a beginners guide to Boost, introductions to individual libraries (such as Boost.Variant and Boost.Python), and on contributing libraries to Boost.